Web Design

EMPpad Website

PEMF Tech Company

EMPpad is a health tech company based in Bristol that retails technologies that produce an electromagnetic pulse that assists with a variety of ailments and can offer up life changing health benefits. Their company and products needed a website that full-filled two main purposes. First, the website had to showcase this technology to the world and inform the viewer of the multitude of health benefits it brings. Additionally, the website needed to provide the in-depth scientific research data that backs this wonderful technology. These were two different audiences to appeal to.

We decided that it was necessary to use a layered approach to this website. As the user enters from the homepage, the fundamental aspects are discussed but on delving deeper into the website, more detailed information is revealed as far down to the research papers themselves.

The second fulfilment of this website was eCommerce. EMPpad wanted to promote and sell units online. Because of this we chose to use the WordPress CMS and the Member-press subscription/membership platform. The website is a responsive format which resizes well on all devices.